Monday, June 20, 2011

Online Security: Are there Criminals Lurking in the Cloud?

After criminals got hold of users' sensitive data on Sony PlayStation networks - and with so much of our critical data stored online - are we not making it too easy for criminals to get hold of our information?

Following the whistle- blowing on Sony PlayStation security flaws, millions are scared about their personal data parked on web servers.
One can easily wonder if we are making it too easy for the cyber criminals lurking in the online space to get hold of our critical information. The novel concept of cloud computing in which data is stored online (rather than on a hard-drive) has already begun to give nightmares to the users and they are perturbed about the safety of their critical information.
When a few weeks ago, over 100 million people's details were extracted illegally from Sony, users were up in arms about their prized information being leaked. But if the results of a recent study are anything to go by, a lot of companies are planning to store at least some of their data in “the cloud”. Experts are worried that with more businesses switching to cloud computing, this sort of leak could become a more regular occurrence.

With the increase in cloud computing, its vulnerability is also coming to the limelight. Criminals, if they are clever, can hide data in the clouds. It is also being said that rogue cloud service providers based in countries with lax cybercrime laws can provide confidential hosting and data storage services. This would only facilitate in the storage and distribution of criminal data and evading detection by enforcement agencies.

Earlier, very powerful computers were required by the online thieves to get hold of sensitive data. But these days, internet is at their disposal. It is offering them a chance to super-charge their processing power to make decryption quicker, cheaper and easier than ever before. Organisations claiming to encrypt sensitive information like credit card details etc. are in for a rude shock. Even if credit card details are encrypted, criminals are believed to possess software which can allow them to decrypt the information once it is stolen from the cloud. In fact, encryption can provide enormous processing power to the cyber criminals. What's more, there have been reports of criminals using the stolen credit card details to purchase processing power from the cloud providers! What many see as most scary is that because the criminals using the cloud are using false information, they are very difficult to trace.

Companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon etc which are spearheading the cloud computing revolution are now on their toes. Sony PlayStation fiasco has served as a wake-up call for these giants to realise that they just can't play around with sensitive data of the users. Efforts are being made to enhance data protection, identity management, and privacy of the users. Facebook has recently taken steps to improve its privacy policies, and to give its users more rights to determine what other users and third party applications may see about them. Companies also have reputational issues to consider. The PlayStation incident has left a serious dent in Sony's image and it may take them ages to repair it.

Experts believe that the key to provide foolproof security lies in string encryption. Even if the criminals have supercomputers or the computing powers of several computers linked together, it will take them years to break passwords, sensitive information etc if those are strongly encrypted. (

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